Long Live The High Street
By Bradley Start
In a world where everyone tells me that “the high street is dead”, I am delighted to report quite the opposite here in Newquay. True, large retail units and spaces with blue chip operators have most likely had their day and those larger units need further re-invention in order to let, but there is a growing demand for small retail spaces in Newquay town from an exciting regenerated sector of entrepreneurs. We have literally let every shop that has come our way of late and most of these retail spaces have been let to smaller enterprising fledgling businesses with great ideas, boundless enthusiasm and individual products more suited to a boutique high street with niche offerings that will surely attract visitors back to the high street and regenerate our town centre.
Whilst café style units remain the most in demand, we have also secured lets to art galleries, sports running shops, charities, taxi firms and co-working spaces amongst others. From a tenant perspective, landlords have had to re-think their position in the world so rents are cheaper and leases are more “tenant friendly” with break clauses, rent successions and rent free periods to make high street start-ups a real possibility for young businesses with less commitment and less risk overall. Many of these smaller spaces also benefit from low or zero business rates, thanks to a suite of small business rate relief measures, making the old high street much more accessible for the new high street occupiers.
Not all will succeed, but all of their futures depend on our local community getting behind our new entrepreneurs, giving the town centre consideration and thinking local if at all possible before turning to the Google!
Any landlords or prospective tenants out there needing advice, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We are here to help and have all the tools and experience to help you find or let a space here in Newquay, whatever it may be.
Bradley Start